2017a. “Sounding Ritual,” Sound and the Sacred Conference, UCLA, November 17-18. |
2017b. “Rite to Play,” “Daughter’s Song,” and “The Day the Clock Stopped,” Lived Religion Conference, Memorial University, October 3-6. |
2017c. with Bryn Scott-Grimes. Film screening of “The Day the Clock Stopped” and discussion of improvisation and ritual in music. Guelph Jazz Festival Colloquium, University of Guelph, September 13. |
2017c. “Improvising Ritual.” Plenary address for “Reassembling Democracy? Ritual as Resource. Oslo, February 22-25. |
2016. “Ritual Criticism and the Santa Fe Fiesta.” School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, New Mexico. December 2. |
2015a. “Condolence and Commemoration: A Daughter’s Song.” Plenary address for the conference, “Designing Commemoration.” University of Limerick, Irish World Academy of Music and Dance. October 8-9, 2015. |
2015b. “Ritual Studies: Practicing the Craft.” Duke University, Franklin Humanities Center, March 25. |
2014a. “Celebrative Ritual and Fictive Religion: Prague’s Velvet Carnival.” Plenary address for the Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences: Canadian Society for the Study of Religion. May 25. |
2014b. “Celebrative Ritual and Fictive Religion: Prague’s Velvet Carnival.” Lund University, Centre for Theology and Religious Studies. June 4. |
2014c. “Performativity and Ritual: A Seminar.” University of Oslo. Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages. June 10, 2014. |
2014d. “Interpreting Audio-Visually Documented Rituals.” University of Copenhagen, Department of Cross-Cultural and Regional Studies. May 2-3. |
2013. “Translating Bodies: Enhanced for Festivity,” Humanities Forum: Translation and Cultural Exchange, Hamilton College, Clinton, New York, April 11. |
2012a. “Rite to Play: Ritual Creativity, Improvisation and the Arts.” Film shown at Charles University, Prague, Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies. November 19. |
2012b. “Field Research on the Emerging Velvet Carnival.” Workshop with religious studies students, Charles University, Prague, Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies. November 20-21, 2012. |
2012c. “Rite to Play: Ritual Creativity, Improvisation, and the Arts.” Charles University, Prague, Institute of Philosophy and Religious Studies. November 19. |
2012d. “What’s the Sense in Shooting Stuff? Studying Ritual Videographically.” Sensory Cultures of Religion Research Group, Yale University, September 18. |
2012e. “Playing Through: Ritual Creativity, Improvisation, and the Arts.” Union Theological Seminary. September 17. |
2011a. “Studying Ritual Camera-in-Hand: Audio-Visual Methods for the Study of Liturgy,” lecture, Yale University, Divinity School, ISM Liturgy Symposium. Dec. 5. |
2011b. “Querying Ritual, Camera-in-Hand,” lecture for University of Exeter, Theology and Religion Research Seminars. Exeter, England. November 9. |
2011c. “Audio-Visual Methods in Ritual Studies,” plenary lecture and symposium for the University of Bern, Swiss Graduate School of Theology. November 4. |
2010a. “The Ritualization of Moving and Learning,” keynote lecture for “People on the Move: Culture and Knowledge in Motion,” Global Young Faculty, Dortmund University International Centre, Germany. Dec. 2. |
2010b. “Ritualizing Places, Great and Small,” lecture and ritual studies lab for Holy Hiatus, Small World Theatre, Cardigan, Wales. September 25-26. |
2010c. “The Deconsecration of Highgate United Church,” video for Research on Festivity, Rituals, and Other Framed Events. University of Oslo. September 22. |
2010d. “’You Can’t Do That:’ Creativity and Criticism in Scholarly Production,” a workshop for Refiguring Death Rites. Radboud University Nijmegen. March 17-18. |
2010e. “Performing Religion: A Festival, a Musical, and a Funeral,” lecture, University of Amsterdam. March 15. |
2009a. “Methodological Problems in the Audio-Visual Documentation of Festivals,” Workshop on Festivity, University of Oslo, October 2009 |
2009b. “Ritual, Media, and Conflict,” Religion in Pluralistic Societies, University of Oslo, October 2009. |
2009c. “How Is a Rite Like a Dutch Bike,” Faculty of Religious Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, October. |
2009d. “Interpreting Gestures and Postures in Festivals: The Case of the Santa Fe Fiesta,“ Denison University, April 2. |
2009e. “Myth and Ritual in Santa Fe, New Mexico,” lecture for the Center for Myth and Ritual in American Life, Emory University, March 4. |
2009f. “Problems and Tensions between Ethnography and Theology,” Emory University, Consultation on Ethnography and Theology, March 5-6. |
2009g. “The Virtues and Vices of Festivity,” University of Limerick, February 18. |
2008a. “Ritual, Media, and Conflict in the Santa Fe Fiesta.” Workshop with Barry Stephenson for Moving Images and Media Rituals, University of Heidelberg, July-August. |
2008b. “Mediating the Fiesta: Performing Peace, Enacting Conflict.” Plenary address for Media, Spiritualities, and Social Change, University of Colorado, June 6, 2008. |
2007a. “Ethnographic Methods in the Study of Worship.” Synagogue 3000, Toronto. |
2007b. “Learning and Teaching Ritual.” Lecture for Faculty of Religious Studies, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. |
2007c. “The Santa Fe Fiesta: Visual Methods in the Study of Ritual.” Presentation for Ritual, Media, and Conflict Research Project, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. |
2007d. “The Concept of Ritual in Gerald Klingbeil’s Bridging the Gap: Ritual and Ritual Texts in the Bible. Ritual in the Biblical World Consultation, Society of Biblical Literature. San Diego. |
2007e. “Re-sensualizing Ritual Theory: John Bourke among the Hopis.” Lecture for Department of Religious Studies, University of Colorado. |
2007f. “Re-sensualizing Ritual Theory: John Bourke among the Hopis.” Lecture for University of Heidelberg, South Asia Institute. |
2007g. “Ritual Studies Lab.” Series of workshops for graduate students, Radboud University, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. |
2007h. “Orientation in Ritual Studies.” Lecture series for University of Lund, Sweden, Department of Religious Studies. |
2006a. “Ritual Theory and the Senses.” Keynote lecture for “The Senses of Religion,” Department of Religious Studies, Yale University. |
2006b. “Shooting Rites.” Plenary address for the retirement of Fred Clothey, Department of Religious Studies, University of Pittsburgh. |
2006c. “Reimagining Ritual Theory.” Inaugural address for the Chair of Ritual Studies. Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. |
2006d. “Shooting the Dead.” With Eric Venbrux. Ritualizing Series. Piet Zwart Institute, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. |
2006e. “Ritual and Visual Culture.” A workshop for students at Radboud University Nijmegen. |
2006f. “Methods in Ritual Studies,” a symposium for Radboud University Nijmegen and the University of Heidelberg, April 24-26. With Ute Huesken and Thomas Quartier. |
2005g. “What Kind of an Act is Theorizing about Ritual?” Ritual Studies Group, American Academy of Religion, Philadelphia, PA. |
2005h. “Shooting Rites.” Faculty of South Asian Studies, Dynamics of Ritual Project. University of Heidelberg, Germany. |
2005i. “Ritual Studies: the Current State of the Art.” Catholic Theological University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. |
2005j. “Ritual, Performance, Media.” Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Lecture series. |
2005k. “Fiddling with Fiddler.” NGG [Dutch Religious Studies Association]. Conferentieoord Woudschoten, Zeist, the Netherlands. |
2005l. “Ritual Failure Revisited.” Ritual Studies Group, American Academy of Religion, San Antonio, TX. |
2004. “Ritual, Performance, and the Sequestering of Sacred Space.” Distinguished Speakers Series. The Humanities Research Group. University of Windsor, Windsor, ON, Canada. |
2003a. “Shooting Rites.” The Aidan Kavanagh Lecture. Yale University, School of Sacred Music. New Haven, CT. |
2003b. “Performance, Narrative, and Criticism in Ritual Studies.” Invited plenary for Ritual in Anabaptist Communities. Hillsdale College, Michigan. June 26 – 28. |
2003c. “Acts of Screening and Metaphoric Moves: Ritual Studies Reflections through a Sliding Glass Door.” Invited plenary address for the Dumbarton Oaks Byzantine Symposium. Sacred Screens: The Origins, Development, and Diffusion of the Byzantine Sanctuary Barrier. |
2002. “The Ritualization of North American Visual Culture, Post – 9/11,” invited lecture and multimedia presentation for the American Academy of Religion: Religion and Media Workshop. |
2001a. “Ritual Studies.” A lecture series for Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. |
2001b. “Rituals and Dreams.” Ritual Studies Group and Consultation on Dreams. American Academy of Religion, Denver. |
2001c. “Performance is Currency in the Deep World’s Gift Economy.” Plenary invited lecture / performance. American Academy of Religion, Eastern International Region. Ithaca College, Ithaca, NY. |
2000a. “Performance is Currency in the Deep World’s Gift Economy.” Plenary invited lecture / performance for Between Nature, a conference on ecology and performance. Lancaster University, Lancaster, England. |
2000b. Rites of Passage Workshop, with Welfare State International, Ulverston, England. |
2000c. “Ecology and Ritual.” Lecture at St. Thomas University, Fredericton, New Brunswick. |
1999. “Initiatory Fantasy.” Ritual Studies Group, American Academy of Religion. Boston. |
1998. “Fieldwork and Religious Life History,” Concordia University, Department of Religious Studies Colloquium. |
1997a. “Writing Religion Autobiographically,” Religion and Autobiography Consultation, American Academy of Religion. |
1997b. “Tibetan Ritual Road Shows,” Respondent to joint session of the Ritual Studies Group and Comparative Studies in Religion, American Academy of Religion. |
1997c. “Film in Teaching Religious Studies,” Respondent to a special session, American Academy of Religion. |
1997c. “Religion and the Arts: The State of the Art,” joint colloquium with the University of Waterloo, Department of Religious Studies. |
1997e. “Initiatory Fantasy.” University of Colorado, Department of Religious Studies. |
1996a. “Sacred Rites and Ritual.” Interviewee on a one – hour segment of “Ancient Mysteries,” December 19, Arts & Entertainment Channel. |
1996c. Plenary respondent to international conference on “Media, Religion, and Culture.” University of Colorado, Boulder, Department of Communications. |
1996d. “Troubled Passages.” Audio tape presentation for Practically Speaking. Minneapolis: Augsburg/Fortress, Publishers. |
1996e. “Jonathan Z. Smith’s Theory of Ritual Space,” Princeton University conference, “Mediating Spaces: American Religion and Place.” |
1995e. “Teaching Ritual Studies.” Panel member and workshop leader, Ritual Studies Group, American Academy of Religion. |
1995d. “Rites of Passage: Ritual Activity in Modern Life.” Invited speaker and resource person for Pacific Lutheran University’s Summer Institute of Theology: “Reclaiming Rites & Ritual in Family, Society, and Church.” |
1995c. “Initiatory Fantasy and Ritual Theory.” The Donald Mathers Memorial Lectures. Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario. |
1995b. “Sacred Objects and the Public Gaze.” Lecture and workshop for the Minnesota Humanities Commission and the Center for the Documentation and Preservation of Places of Worship, Minneapolis, MN. |
1995a. “Teaching Native Religions.” The Annual Anthropology Lecture, Concordia University, Departments of Religious Studies and Sociology – Anthropology. |
1993d. “Why ‘the White Man’ Can’t Dance.” American Academy of Religion, Ritual Studies Group. Washington, DC. |
1993c. “New Controversies over the Santa Fe Fiesta.” University of Colorado, School of Journalism and Mass Communication. |
1993b. “Ritual and Drama in the Southwest.” University of Colorado, Department of Religious Studies. |
1993a. “Supine Liturgy.” Paper presented at the North American Academy of Liturgy. Albuquerque, NM. |
1992d. “Tom Driver’s Contribution to Theology and to Ritual Studies.” Invited lecture, Union Theological Seminary, New York. |
1992c. “Marrying, Burying, and Other Rites of Passage.” Week – long workshop for the Minnesota Humanities Commission. |
1992b. “Supine Liturgy: On the Negotiation of Ritual Authority.” Lecture at Notre Dame University. |
1992a. “Reinventing Ritual.” Lecture at the University of Toronto, Centre for Religious Studies. |
1991. “The Presentation of Self in Native American Autobiography.” American Academy of Religion, Comparative Studies in Religion Section. Kansas City, MO. |
1990e. “Mapping Religion, Geopiety, and Holy Historiography: A View from the Southwest.” American Academy of Religion, North American Religions Section. New Orleans, LA. |
1990d. “Facing Margaret Laurence: Masking, Ritual, and Biography.” The Davidson Lecture, Carleton University (in conjunction with the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s “Masks, Mime, and Transformation”). |
1990c. “Sacred Objects, Junkyard Rubble, and the Booty of Civilizations.” Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta, May 27. |
1990b. “Ritual, Memory, and Meaning.” A lecture and seminars at the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA. |
1990a. “Emerging Ritual.” Plenary address for the North American Academy of Liturgy, St. Louis, MO. |
1989b. “Ritual and Autobiography in Frank Hamilton Cushing’s My Adventures in Zuni.” Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario. |
1989a. “The Ritual of Seeing What Should Not Be Seen and Telling What Should Not Be Told: A Story about the Zunis and One of Their Chief Anthropologists.” American Academy of Religion: Ritual Studies Group, Anaheim, CA. |
1988f. “Ritual Creativity.” The Sibley Lecture. Alfred University, Alfred, NY. |
1988e. “Liturgical Renewal and Ritual Criticism.” Georgetown University Colloquium: “Liturgical Renewal, 1963 – 1988: A Study of English Speaking Parishes in the United States. |
1988d. “Ritual Criticism and Interreligious Conflict.” School of American Research, Santa Fe, NM. |
1988c. “Religious Biography and Life – Cycle Theory.” International Congress of Ethnologists and Anthropologists, Zagreb, Yugoslavia. |
1988b. “Religious Biography and Ritual.” Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, Windsor, Ont. |
1988a. “The Power of Display.” University of California, Santa Barbara, Conference on Ritual and Power. |
1987c. “Field Work in Religious Studies.” American Academy of Religion, Religion & the Social Sciences Section. |
1987b. “Parashamanism in North America: Critical Issues.” University of California, Santa Barbara, Conference on Ritual and Performance. |
1987a. “Methodology in Ritual Studies.” McMaster University. |
1986b. “Response to Panel on Islamic Ritual.” American Academy of Religion, Study of Islam Section. |
1986a. “On Ritual Criticism.” American Academy of Religion, Ritual Studies Group. |
1985c. “The Toronto Towneley Cycle of Mystery Plays.” Modern Language Association, Chicago, IL. |
1985b. “On Ritual Criticism.” American Anthropological Association, Society for Humanistic Anthropology, Washington, DC. |
1985a. “Desecration: An Inter-religious Controversy.” American Anthropological Association, Symposium on Native Reburials, Washington, DC. |
1984f. “Infelicitous Performances, or, How Rituals Fail.” American Academy of Religion: Philosophy of Religion & Society of Biblical Literature. |
1984e. “Interpreting Ritual Gestures.” University of Pittsburgh. |
1984d. “Rituals: Traditional and Experimental.” American Anthropological Association & American Ethnological Society: State-of-the-Art Address, Denver, CO. |
1984b. “Images and Effigies.” University of Waterloo. |
1984a. “The Ritual Studies Lab.” University of Western Ontario. |
1983c. “Theology and Contemporary Art.” Ecumenical Artists Assn. |
1983b. “Art and the Postures of Prayer.” University of Toronto, Centre for Religious Studies. |
1983a. “Seeing Indian Dance Through a Western Eye.” American Academy of Religion: Ritual Studies Group. |
1982a. “Fictive Religion, Active Irony.” American Academy of Religion: Joint Session of the Ritual Studies Group and the Arts, Literature, and Religion Section. |
1980b. “A Definition of Ritual.” American Academy of Religion: Religion & Social Sciences / Anthropological Method Section. |
1980a. “The Polish Theater of Sources and Parashamanism.” New York University, Performance Studies Dept. |
1979b. “Parashamanism.” American Academy of Religion: Ritual Studies Consultation. |
1979a. “Ritualistic and Artistic Processes.” Syracuse University. |
1978. “The Work of Actor’s Lab.” American Academy of Religion: Religion, Literature and the Arts. |
1977d. “Methodological Problems in Ritual Studies.” American Academy of Religion: Consultation on the Systematic Study of Meaningful Forms. |
1977c. “Liminality and the Lab.” American Academy of Religion: Religion and Society. |
1977b. “Ritual Behavior: A Social Necessity?” Institute for Liturgical Studies. |
1977a. “Illustration and Illumination.” Wilfrid Laurier University. |
1976. “Ritual in the Theatre: Grotowski as Spiritual Director.” American Academy of Religion. |
1975b. “Sitting and Eating: The ‘Ritology’ of Two Gestures.” Wilfrid Laurier University Colloquium. |
1975a. “Ritual Symbols in Santa Fe.” University of Manitoba. |
1972. “Blake, Time, and Theology.” American Academy of Religion: Religion, Literature, and the Arts. |
1971b. “Ecology and Religious Mythology.” Lutheran Social Concerns of Wisconsin. |
1971a. “The Mythic Imagination.” Department of English, University of Wisconsin. |